ESCMID postgrad course on better clinical study methods comes to Prague
The ESCMID postgraduate education course 'Better methods for clinical studies in infectious diseases and clinical microbiology' returns this Autumn. Lecturers from Central and Eastern Europe will add to the faculty’s diverse expertise at this hybrid event.
On the heels of a fully-booked first edition held in Utrecht last year, a second iteration will take place both on-site in the Czech capital and online from 24-26 October. Participants can register here no later than 5 October 2023. More details and contact information are available in the course's official flyer.
ESCMID is offering attendance grants to ESCMID members with a Full Membership or Young Scientist membership. Candidates can apply through ESCMID’s online Attendance Grant Application form by 1 September 2023.
The course is supported by the EU-funded ECRAID-Base consortium which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 965313.
Practical knowledge
The three-day course will provide participants with practical knowledge on how to phrase a research question, choose the appropriate design and methods to address it, avoid biases, and write an optimal report. Our experienced lecturers will cover a wide variety of topics such as systematic reviews and meta-analysis of interventions and diagnostic tests, exclusion of susceptible populations in clinical trials, advanced propensity scores, large national databases, survival analysis, and much more. Importantly, they will refer to participants’ own projects to bring the theory to life in a tangible, highly practical manner.
Most lecturers who participated in last year’s edition will join us again in the Czech capital. These leading experts come from around Europe and beyond to share their knowledge and experience with a new generation of researchers. Among them are Marc Bonten (Utrecht, Netherlands), Mariska Leeflang (Amsterdam, Netherlands), Leonard Leibovici (Petah-Tiqva, Israel), Pontus Naucler (Stockholm, Sweden), Mette Nørgaard (Aarhus, Denmark), Mical Paul (Haifa, Israel), Henri van Werkhoven (Utrecht, Netherlands), and Martin Wolkewitz (Freiburg, Germany).
Four new lecturers will lead sessions this year: Aleksandra Barac (Belgrade, Serbia), Jesús Rodríguez-Baño (Seville, Spain), Luigia Scudeller (Pavia, Italy), and Czechia native Marcela Krutova who’s also helping organise the workshop.

Marcela tells us that she is filled with pride by the opportunity to welcome her colleagues to the beautiful city of Prague. She will be speaking on the topic of setting up studies on molecular epidemiology:
"The best way to help others is by sharing my own experiences from surveillance studies which I’ve conducted, especially the lessons learned from various mistakes. I will emphasise the benefits of whole genome sequencing, how great a tool it is even if you're not a bioinformatician."
The European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) is a non-profit organisation whose mission is to improve the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infection-related diseases. This is achieved by promoting and supporting research, education, training, and good medical practice.