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LAB-Net: The benefits of a warm-base laboratory network

The benefits of ‘warm-base’ networks outlined in Ecraid’s recently published white paper hold true for LAB-Net: a warm-base network of over 900 microbiology laboratories in 41 European countries. With 10 years of experience and the expertise of some of Europe’s leading microbiologists, LAB-Net is a prime example of the strengths of this novel approach.


Increased operational readiness 

In a warm-base network, clinical research is conducted more efficiently due to faster set-up and rapid adaptation.

LAB-Net maintains a large database of laboratories that contains information on their capabilities, facilities, expertise, track record, key contacts, and more. This allows the team to select the laboratories best suited for a particular study fast and efficiently, and to directly contact the right persons within each selected site.

In contrast to a CRO, LAB-Net does much more than running site selection. The team of experienced scientists provides expert advice and brainstorms together with its partners about what the best approach or solution might be.

Guaranteed data uniformity and easy communication

The centralised approach underpinning warm-base networks ensures high standardisation of procedures and simplified communication.

Each study LAB-Net contributes to is managed by a core team based at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. This ensures that all laboratories participating in a study follow the same standardised procedures and requirements. Consequently, all results are comparable, even in studies conducted across Europe and beyond. 

Communication is streamlined as well. The LAB-Net team handles all necessary logistics, analyses, and reporting. A single contact person updates the study team on a regular basis, allowing the researchers to focus their efforts on the research rather than on following up with multiple laboratories. 

Higher quality and reliability

A warm-base network allows a higher level of control over the quality and reliability of its sites through training and regular evaluation. The LAB-Net team consists of scientific researchers and diagnostic experts who have the knowledge and experience to help the sites achieve their full potential. For each new study, the team trains the local laboratory staff and continuously tests the quality of their work. The final evaluations are added to its database to inform site selection for future studies.

A decade of excellence

Warm-base networks offer many benefits over traditional approaches to executing clinical trials. However, they require a substantial initial investment to set up. The network must be of a large enough size and needs to be kept “warm” through continuous contact, site visits, trainings, and quality checks. 

LAB-Net is and does all that, and more. It has the largest network of routine and diagnostic laboratories in Europe and collaborates with a global network of more than 12.500 laboratories in 75 countries. During the past 10 years, it has built the necessary know-how and best practices to take clinical studies on bacteria and viruses to the next level.

A trustworthy partner for your study

LAB-Net is an important part of Ecraid’s efforts towards reducing the impact of infectious diseases on individual and population health in Europe and beyond. Next to fast, efficient, and high-quality matching of studies with the best-fitting laboratories, it can handle all necessary logistics, analyses, and reporting. 

You can also contact LAB-Net for assistance in diagnostic test development and biobanking. It has established a repository at the University of Antwerp that houses more than 141,000 specimens and 11,600 strains – a treasure chest of data available for your study.

Get in touch with the LAB-Net team at

European UnionLAB-Net is supported by the ECRAID-Base project which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 965313.