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Primary Care NCTs gear up to launch ECRAID-Prime trial

Having secured full regulatory approvals to initiate the ECRAID-Prime trial across six countries, the trial operations team convened with the National Coordinating Teams to initiate their Network towards starting patient recruitment.


The Ecraid clinical operations team conducted two Network Initiation online trainings in June to equip our seven primary care National Coordinating Teams (NCTs) with comprehensive knowledge of the trial protocol, recruitment procedures, sample management, randomisation, data entry and other aspects of trial. This preparation will enable them to effectively train their local primary care sites for patient recruitment starting in September. These primary care sites will be the cornerstones of ECRAID-Prime.

The trainings were well-attended by 14 NCT representatives from all seven participating countries: France, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Poland, and the UK.

From trial protocol to patient procedures

After a warm welcome by Trial Lead Alike van der Velden (UMCU) and Senior Project Manager Ilse Rietveld (Ecraid), the meeting provided an overview of roles and responsibilities for the operations team, NCTs, local principal investigators and primary care site staff. Project managers Chanelle Wigger and Anel Botha took turns to discuss key topics such as recruitment processes, eCRF, patient randomisation, patient procedures from Day 0 through Day 28 and up to six months and document management.

ECRAID-Prime Operations team meets NCTs in June 2024
A huge "Thank you" to all our NCTs and our primary care sites for your continued support.

About ECRAID-Prime

ECRAID-Prime is one of the six projects funded by the European Commission's Horizon Europe program to drive therapeutic and vaccines clinical trials to boost COVID-19 and COVID-like illness treatment and prevention.

Launched in December 2021, ECRAID-Prime will implement Europe's first-of-its-kind European Adaptive Platform Trial on COVID-19 therapeutics in the primary care setting. The project continues to build on many years of EU investment in infrastructure for primary care trials and a mature primary care research network that has pioneered novel, efficient, platform clinical trial designs.

Learn more about ECRAID-Prime on Interested to collaborate with us? Get in touch with Trial Lead Alike van der Velden