European Clinical Research Alliance on Infectious Diseases: Primary care adaptive platform trial for pandemics and epidemics.
ECRAID-Prime is organised into eight Work Packages (WPs), which form the backbone of our ambitious project.
Here we introduce the WPs and the persons driving each topic:
WP1 ORG: Management and Organisation
Encompasses the Project Management and Network Coordination (ORG) activities, including the supporting activities of central organisational, managerial and coordinating activities, for the network as a whole.
- Led by Ecraid: Aida Salčić and Ram Venkatachalam
To develop the master protocol for ECRAID-Prime, and oversee the selection of sites and evaluation of up to four candidate therapeutic agents (in Phase I and/or Phase II).
- Led by UMCU: Alike van der Velden and Roderick Venekamp
- University of Oxford: Christopher Butler (PI), Ly-Mee Yu, Jane Holmes, Gail Hayward, Emily Bongard, Nguyen Tran and Binitha Paruthickal
- Ecraid: Marc Bonten, Ilse Rietveld and Bas Hullegie
WP3 LAB: Laboratory Research
To build, maintain and train a fully operational laboratory network of sites, and develop SOPs, lab manuals and protocols for the trial.
- Led by University of Antwerp: Herman Goossens, Surbhi Malhotra, Greet Ieven and Katherine Loens
WP4 DATA: Data Management
To develop the project’s Data Management Plan (DMP) and a clinical trial data management strategy optimised ‘by design’ for the trial, in terms of outcome measures, data standards, data quality, and data capture.
- Led by UMCU: Frank Leus and Lisanne Vintcent
- ECRIN: Jacques Demotes and Sareema Javaid
WP5 TRAIN: Training & Capacity Strengthening
To coordinate training activities in line with the OPERATES criteria for the clinical research and laboratory network, with extra focus on earlier phase research.
- Led by UMCU: Alike van der Velden
- Ecraid: Ilse Rietveld
WP6 COM: Communication & Dissemination
To oversee Communication and Dissemination activities including engaging with key stakeholders and clinical and laboratory networks, and publishing project results to promote uptake and ensure optimal impact.
- Led by Ecraid: Claire-Marie Martis and Karen Choo-Haeberle
WP7 ETHICS: Ethics Requirements
To ensure compliance with the ethics requirements set out in this work package.
- Led by UMCU: Roderick Venekamp
WP8 COLLAB: Coordination of the European COVID-19 Adaptive Platform Trials
To ensure the optimal coordination of trials in the EU and other countries, as well as provide a single entryway for new study arms in the European COVID-19 adaptive platform trials.
- Led by NIPH: Victoria C. Simensen
- ECRIN: Jacques Demotes and Sareema Javaid